Final Post

Branding Statement: 

From the world of criminal justice to comic books I have jumped started my creative career as a comic book author with my creation of the online comic series. With my new found passion I am on a roll with no sign of stopping.

Biography :

So this is it huh? I had made my way up the ladder in the company I been a part of for 3 years. Water cooler conversations and coffee runs were the highlight of my day. Ugh youth is wasted on the young…well maybe it’s too early to say that but I fondly remember my college aspirations of working in the criminal justice field.  While living my life of academia though associates to masters I could just image the impact I would have… I mean it wouldn’t be like an episode of Law & Order but I would be a part of an exciting field.
Now I am making yearly trips to California and had my first work related trip to Washington D.C to attend Meow D.C., a new cat themed convention. Confused? Well let me explain…. After falling into a runt I did some soul searching on what I truly enjoyed and what popped up was animation and literature but I didn’t know how to make a career out of it. However it hit me one day and it was all do to a joke….while out running errands with my eldest brother I told him how I was being trained to hand out medication to clients. Later the subject changed to our family cat named Loki. I then joked “Wouldn’t it be funny if a crazy cat lady named her cats after medication?” At that moment I became inspired and that was the start of my comic series titled Medicine Cabinet, a series that follow the adventures of a trio of cats who are owned by a pharmacist and are named after medications. Since that day I have hired an artist and have went to conventions to promote my series.

However there was a challenge to overcome. It was obvious that cats ruled the internet but in a sea of feline content in was harder to standout than a black cat at night. In this cut throat world where one share can make a difference I needed to have an edge. Then the answer came to me through social media of all places. I saw a post on Facebook about Quinnipiac University and their interactive media program and it hit me that this was the edge I needed.  Now I am sitting pretty working on my second master degree while plotting my take over for the online world…. Hey a girl has to have ambitions right?


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